Capybara Legal States

Capybara Legal States, Capybaras have become popular as pets over the years, but there are legal considerations to keep in mind before owning one. Different states have different laws surrounding capybara ownership. It is important to research the specific laws in your state before purchasing a capybara.

In some states, capybaras are classified as exotic pets and require a special permit for ownership. Other states have outright banned ownership of capybaras altogether. It is also important to remember that even if your state allows capybara ownership, local regulations may prohibit it.

It is essential to consider not only the legal implications but also the responsibilities that come with owning a capybara, including proper care and habitat requirements. If you’re considering owning a capybara, ensure that you have researched all aspects of their care and legality thoroughly.

Do not miss out on important information that could impact your ability to own a pet legally, ethically, and responsibly. Research the specific laws and ordinances in your area before making any decisions regarding animal ownership.

If you thought guinea pigs were the closest thing to a real-life Pokemon, then you clearly haven’t met Capybaras yet.

Overview of Capybaras

Capybaras are the largest rodents on earth and are native to South America. They are social animals and thrive in groups in their natural habitats such as swamps, riverbanks, and lakes. These semi-aquatic mammals are herbivores and feed on grasses, fruits, and aquatic plants.

When kept as pets, Capybaras require specialized care including a large swimming area, a proper diet of fresh vegetables and herbs, ample outdoor space for exercise, and supervision from experienced caretakers. Capybaras have gained popularity as pets in recent years due to their friendly nature; however, they are illegal to keep as pets in most US states. Only a few states permit keeping them as pets with certain regulations.

It is essential to research the laws and regulations surrounding Capybara ownership before adopting one. In addition to legalities, it is crucial to understand the unique needs of these animals to provide them with adequate care. Failing to comply with legal requirements may lead to serious consequences such as fines or confiscation of the pet.

Why can’t capybaras be politicians? They’re already legal in some states.

Legal Status of Capybaras in the United States

The Legal Status of Capybaras in Different States of America

Capybaras, native to South America, have found their way to the United States, and have become a popular exotic pet. However, the legal status of owning a capybara varies from state to state in America.

In certain states, such as Texas and Pennsylvania, capybaras can be owned under specific conditions, while in other states, like California, they are considered illegal pets.

It’s important for potential capybara owners to research and understand the legal status before adopting one as a pet, as owning an illegal pet can result in fines, confiscation of the animal, and even criminal charges.

Don’t miss out on the chance to own a capybara legally. Research the legal status in your state and ensure you meet all the requirements before adopting one.

When it comes to capybara ownership laws in the United States, it’s easier to adopt a child than it is to adopt a giant rodent.

Capybara Ownership Laws in the United States

Capybara ownership laws in the United States vary by state. Potential owners must understand the legal status of capybaras before acquiring one as a pet.

A table providing information about capybara ownership laws in each state is provided below:

State | Legal Status
— | —

Legal Status of Owning Capybaras in the United States

Understanding the legal status of owning Capybaras in the United States is crucial for potential owners. Regulations vary significantly from state to state, and it’s important to be aware of the specific requirements or prohibitions in your area. Here’s a summary of the legal status of owning Capybaras across different states:

Allowed with Permit

  • Arkansas: Allowed with a permit, but only on 5+ acre property
  • Florida: Allowed with Class III Wildlife license
  • Georgia: Allowed with license and study permit
  • Louisiana: Allowed with permit
  • Michigan: Allowed with permit
  • Nebraska: Allowed with game breeding and propagating permits
  • Nevada: Allowed, but only in certain parts of the state
  • Texas: Allowed with permit
  • Washington: Allowed with exotic animal permit
  • Wyoming: Allowed with permit


  • Alaska: Prohibited
  • Connecticut: Prohibited
  • Delaware: Prohibited
  • Hawaii: Prohibited
  • Illinois: Prohibited
  • Iowa: Prohibited
  • Kentucky: Prohibited
  • Maine: Prohibited
  • Maryland: Prohibited
  • Massachusetts: Prohibited
  • Minnesota: Prohibited
  • Mississippi: Prohibited
  • Missouri: Prohibited
  • Montana: Prohibited
  • New Hampshire: Prohibited
  • New Jersey: Prohibited
  • Pennsylvania: Prohibited
  • Rhode Island: Prohibited
  • South Dakota: Prohibited
  • Vermont: Prohibited
  • Wisconsin: Prohibited

Allowed with Restrictions

  • Arizona: Allowed with permit
  • California: Prohibited without an exotic animal permit
  • Colorado: Allowed with permit
  • Indiana: Not allowed
  • Kansas: Not allowed without a permit
  • North Carolina: Allowed with captivate wildlife license
  • Utah: Restricted
  • Oregon: Restricted
  • New York: Restricted

Legal Grey Area

  • Ohio: Legal grey area
  • Oklahoma: Legal grey area
  • Virginia: Legal grey area
  • West Virginia: Legal grey area

Not Mentioned or Unclear

  • Idaho: Not allowed without a permit
  • North Dakota: Not mentioned
  • South Carolina: Not mentioned
  • Tennessee: Not mentioned

Important Note

It’s essential to check with your local authorities or animal control for the most up-to-date information and to ensure compliance with all regulations before considering the ownership of a Capybara. Legal requirements can change, and additional permits or licenses may be required based on local or county regulations.

In addition to state laws, capybaras are also covered under federal laws such as the Endangered Species Act and the Animal Welfare Act.

It is important to note that obtaining a permit or license does not guarantee ownership, and some states may have additional requirements such as mandatory training or inspections.


Before purchasing or adopting a capybara, it is essential to research both state and federal laws thoroughly. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal penalties, fines, and even the confiscation of the animal itself.

Do not miss out on crucial information regarding capybara ownership laws in your state. Make sure you are aware of all legal regulations before obtaining one as a pet.

Looks like capybaras have better legal status as pets in some states than some people do as citizens.

States Where Capybaras are Legal as Pets

Many US states permit Capybaras as domestic pets, subject to certain regulations. Below are the states that allow Capybaras as pets:

  • Florida
  • Texas
  • Arkansas
  • Virginia
  • Pennsylvania
  • Oregon

It is important to note that each state has its own rules and restrictions regarding keeping Capybaras as pets. Ensure that you follow the specific laws and licensing requirements in your state before getting a pet Capybara.

Pet Capybaras should be kept in an outdoor environment and must have access to water for swimming or soaking at all times. They require a considerable amount of space, socialization, and a special diet for their nutritional needs.

Pro Tip: When considering Capybars as pets, it is essential to research thoroughly their physical, emotional, and behavioral requirements before making any decisions. Why did the Capybara cross the road in Texas? To get to the other side… legally.


Texas is one of the states in America where capybaras are considered exotic pets. Capybaras are not legal to keep as pets under Texas law, but there are some exceptions for those who acquire the necessary permits and licenses. It is advisable to check with local authorities before keeping a capybara as a pet.

Capybaras require a lot of space and attention, making them difficult to care for properly. In Texas, people who wish to keep a capybara as a pet must obtain an exotic animal possession permit from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Each county may also have additional requirements and restrictions that need to be followed.

It is essential to provide Capybaras with proper shelter, food, healthcare, and enrichment activities to maintain their well-being. Those who decide to keep capybaras need education about how to care for these unique animals fully.

Pro Tip: Pet ownership requires responsibility to ensure your pet’s health and safety. Never adopt an exotic pet like a capybara on impulse without first considering all the responsibilities that come with it.

In Pennsylvania, capybaras are legally allowed as pets, but beware, they may end up being the ones enforcing the law.


Capybaras are not permitted as pets in Pennsylvania. The Game Commission makes it a third-degree misdemeanor to own them without the necessary permits and licenses. Violators can face harsh fines and even imprisonment.

Additionally, capybaras are not allowed to be imported, sold, or purchased in Pennsylvania. Despite their friendly disposition, these creatures can pose risks to public health if kept as pets.

Pro Tip: Be sure to research and follow state regulations before keeping exotic animals as pets.

In Arkansas, it’s perfectly legal to own a capybara as long as it’s kept on a leash – but let’s be real, who wants to take their oversized guinea pig for a walk?


Arkansas’s Legal Status of Capybaras in the USA

Arkansas prohibits ownership of exotic animals, including capybaras, without a license. However, capybaras are not classified as inherently dangerous or destructive under their laws regulating exotic ownership.

Owners must comply with state regulations and demonstrate knowledge of the proper care, housing, and veterinary needs of these animals to get a permit to own them. Capybaras are still considered wild species even when bred in captivity and owners should ensure that they have appropriate caging and social companionship.

Pro Tip: It is essential to research local laws before owning an exotic pet like a capybara. Some municipalities might have more lenient or stricter regulations than others and it would be best if you check with the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) for assistance on animal welfare.

In Tennessee, capybaras are legally allowed to run for mayor, but only if they wear a top hat and monocle.


The legal status of Capybaras in Tennessee is complicated. They are classified as exotic animals, and some cities may allow their ownership with a permit. However, state law prohibits them as pets without a license, and licenses are only issued for zoos or research purposes. There have been cases of capybaras kept illegally as pets resulting in confiscation by animal control.

It is essential to consult local authorities before owning any exotic animal. It’s important to know the specific laws in your area and obtain any necessary permits or licenses.

Pro Tip: Always research thoroughly the legal requirements and restrictions before owning an exotic pet like a Capybara in Tennessee or anywhere else.

Delaware may be known for its beaches and tax-free shopping, but it’s also the only state that explicitly allows capybaras as pets. Move over, goldfish.


Capybaras in Delaware are considered exotic animals, and owning them is legal only with a permit issued by the state. The Department of Agriculture regulates the trade, transportation, and possession of these animals to ensure health and safety standards are met. Failure to comply with state regulations may result in fines, imprisonment or revocation of the permit.

It is necessary for individuals interested in owning capybaras to submit an application for a permit along with documentation that verifies proof of ownership and demonstrates an understanding of how to house and care for these animals properly. The permit process includes an inspection by the authorities to ensure that adequate facilities are provided and appropriate measures have been taken for veterinary care.

Notably, it is illegal to release a captured or abandoned capybara into the wild. If found guilty, individuals can be prosecuted, fined heavily or given extensive community service orders.

To avoid running afoul of state law about exotic pets such as capybaras in Delaware, animal lovers seeking permits must ensure they adhere to all regulations surrounding these animals’ ownership closely. Obtaining one will provide peace of mind knowing you have followed all rules set forth by the authorities concerning their care and custody within your home or premises.

Why did the Capybara move to Florida? Because it needed a state where it could legally sunbathe in peace.


Florida has laws that permit individuals to own capybaras as pets. However, these animals cannot be taken from the wild and kept as pets without a permit. Additionally, pet owners must follow regulations that require capybaras to be microchipped and vaccinated for certain diseases.

Capybaras owners in Florida need to understand that these animals have specific needs, including access to water and socialization with other capybaras. It is recommended that they provide their pets with adequate space as they can grow up to four feet in length and weigh up to 140 pounds.

Florida residents looking to acquire a capybara should consider adopting one from a reputable rescue organization. These organizations often provide education on proper care and may even have veterinarians who specialize in treating exotic pets.

Overall, owning a capybara in Florida requires knowledge of the laws and regulations surrounding their ownership, as well as fulfilling the responsibilities of providing appropriate care for them.

Indiana may have strict laws on alcohol and fireworks, but thankfully owning a capybara is still legal – because what could go wrong with having a giant rodent as a pet?


Capybaras Legal Status in Indiana

Indiana state law prohibits the possession of wild animals as pets, including capybaras. If an individual wishes to keep a capybara, they would need to obtain a permit and meet specific standards for housing and care. Failure to comply with these laws may result in fines and/or imprisonment.

Capybaras are considered exotic animals in Indiana, meaning that owners must adhere to strict regulations for their ownership. It is illegal to release an exotic animal into the wild in Indiana; therefore, if an individual can no longer care for their capybara, they will need to find a licensed facility or rescue organization that can provide adequate care.

Additionally, it is important to note that while capybaras may be legal to own in some states, transporting them across state lines may be subject to different laws and regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals consult with both local and federal authorities before acquiring or transporting a capybara.

Beware: owning a Capybara may require more paperwork than getting a driver’s license.

capybara legal states

States Where Capybaras are Legal with a Permit

Some states in the United States permit the ownership of capybaras but with a required permit. These states include Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

The legal status of capybaras varies in each state due to different regulations and laws. For instance, in Texas, the owner needs to have a Non-indigenous Aquatic Wildlife possession permit, while in Virginia, they require a Conditional Exotic Species Permit. Similarly, Oklahoma requires a wildlife breeder or dealer’s license for capybara ownership.

It is important to note that even with these permits; individuals are required to follow specific guidelines and laws on housing and care for capybaras. Additionally, Capybaras should not be released into the wild as they can disrupt natural ecosystems.

When considering owning a capybara, it is advisable to research the regulatory requirements and secure necessary permits first before purchasing one from any source. It is recommended to acquire Capybaras from reputable breeders or rescue organizations rather than capturing them from the wild or importing them illegally.

Overall, it is essential to comply with legal procedures because failure to do so may result in penalties such as fines or imprisonment. Even in Arizona, where you can carry a gun without a permit, you might still need a permit for your pet Capybara.


Arizona’s Legal Status Regarding Capybaras

Arizona has a strict exotic animal ownership policy where only specific animals are permitted as pets. Capybaras are not on the list of permitted animals; therefore, they cannot be owned as pets in Arizona. Violating this policy can result in fines and potential legal action against the owner.

Despite being illegal to keep as pets, there have been instances of escaped pet capybaras found in certain parts of Arizona. In one such incident, an escaped capybara was rescued by the Arizona Game and Fish Department and returned to its owner. However, owning these animals is still considered a violation of the law.

It is important to note that even if capybaras were legal in Arizona, owners would still require permits from the state wildlife agency to own them legally.

Interestingly, in recent years, some communities in Arizona like Scottsdale and Chandler have seen an increase in sightings of wild capybaras. These sightings are mostly around golf courses or water bodies with dense vegetation areas nearby, providing habitats that resemble their natural habitats in South America.

The history of capybaras being illegal to own as pets in Arizona dates back to the late 1980s when there were rampant cases of people keeping exotic animals without proper permits or qualifications. This led to a statewide ban prohibiting private ownership of many species deemed to be dangerous or posing threats to public safety. Capybaras were among those listed under banned species due to possible threats they posed if released into the wild or mistreated by their owners.

Ohio: Where capybaras are still illegal but Buckeye fans can legally cry into their beers after every loss.


The legal status of capybaras in Ohio is not clearly defined. They are considered exotic animals and require a permit to own, but it is unclear if they are legal to import or sell within the state. Capybaras may also be subject to local ordinances. It is recommended to consult with local authorities and exotic animal experts before considering keeping a capybara as a pet in Ohio.

In owning a capybara, there are specific requirements that need to be met. The enclosure should be at least 200 square feet and have adequate water, lighting, and ventilation. Capybaras should have access to fresh food daily and may require supplemental heating during colder months. It is also crucial to provide ample socialization for the animal.

Unique details about owning a capybara in Ohio include the possibility of facing criminal charges for violation of animal welfare laws. In addition, the ownership of exotic pets can pose health risks from exposure to zoonotic diseases.

It is essential to ensure you understand all of the laws and requirements before owning an exotic pet like a capybara in Ohio. Consult with local authorities and experts in advance, as ignorance of these guidelines can lead to severe consequences for both you and your pet.

Looks like capybaras aren’t welcome in these states, but I’m sure they’ll find solace in being legal tender in some countries.

States Where Capybaras are Prohibited as Pets

Capybaras are not allowed as household pets in certain American states due to legal restrictions. These states have specific regulations that prohibit the keeping of capybaras as companions, which may be related to concerns about public safety or ecological balance. It is important for individuals who are interested in acquiring a capybara to research their state’s laws before attempting to do so.

Additionally, even some states where capybaras are technically legal may require permits and inspections for ownership. For example, in Texas, a permit is necessary to own a pet capybara. Failure to obtain these permits can result in fines and confiscation of pets.

Pro Tip: It is essential to comply with animal ownership regulations set by the authorities in all cases of introducing new species into your home.

Why own a dog when you can have a capybara? Oh, right. Legal issues. Thanks a lot, California.


California’s legal status for owning a capybara is unclear due to conflicting regulations. While some cities like Los Angeles allow them as pets, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife classifies them as non-native wildlife, requiring a permit for ownership.

In addition to needing a permit, owners must follow strict regulations to keep their capybaras. The enclosure must be large enough to mimic their natural habitat and provide ample space for exercise. They must also have access to clean water and proper nutrition.

Interestingly, in 2020, the city of Irvine passed an ordinance allowing residents to own certain exotic animals such as capybaras with the proper permits and care requirements.

Pro Tip: It’s important for potential Capybara owners in California to thoroughly research state and local laws and regulations before considering ownership.

Forget about the right to bear arms, in Georgia capybaras might just be the next protected species.


In the state of Georgia, Capybaras are classified as unregulated wildlife. This means that there are currently no specific rules in place for owning or possessing Capybaras in Georgia. However, it is important to note that all wild animals, including Capybaras, have the potential to carry diseases and cause harm to humans.

If an individual wishes to own a Capybara in Georgia, it is recommended that they research and follow all federal and local laws regarding the ownership of wild animals. It may be necessary to obtain permits or licenses from state or federal agencies before bringing a Capybara into the state.

It should also be noted that while owning a Capybara may seem like an appealing exotic pet, they require specialized care and can live up to 8-10 years in captivity. It is important for potential owners to consider if they can provide adequate space and resources for these unique animals.

Before making any decisions about owning a Capybara in Georgia, individuals should carefully research and consider all aspects of the animal’s needs and legal status. Failure to do so could result in consequences for both the owner and the animal itself.

Don’t miss out on the chance to own this unique animal if you’re prepared – but make sure you do so responsibly by following all regulations and guidelines related to owning a Capybara in Georgia.

Why did the Capybara cross the Kentucky border? To assert its legal status as a rodent, of course.


Kentucky’s legal stance on capybaras is quite strict. The state does not allow the ownership or possession of these animals without proper permits and licenses from the Fish and Wildlife Resources agency. Such permits are difficult to obtain, as capybaras are considered exotic species and require specialized care and housing. Additionally, any individuals who do obtain permits must abide by specific regulations regarding animal welfare. It’s crucial to note that failure to follow these guidelines could lead to severe consequences for both the animal and the owner.

Pro Tip: Before considering owning a capybara, ensure that you comply with all regulations and requirements set by the relevant authorities.

Louisiana may be known for its gumbo and jazz, but if you’re a capybara, you better watch your back – they’re illegal to own as pets in the Bayou State.


Louisiana’s Legal Status of Capybaras

Capybara ownership rules vary from state to state in the United States. In Louisiana, owning a capybara is considered illegal without obtaining a permit from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Here are some key points to keep in mind if you live in Louisiana and are interested in owning a capybara:

  • Without a permit, it is illegal to own or sell capybaras.
  • The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries expects potential owners to prove that they can maintain capybaras ethically and humanely.
  • Capturing or hunting wild capybaras is strictly forbidden.
  • If found guilty of violating any Capybara ownership laws, you could face criminal charges, fines, and even imprisonment.

It is worth noting that exceptions have been made in special circumstances where licensed educational or research facilities can keep capybaras for study purposes.

For those considering owning a capybara legally in Louisiana, it is important to follow all necessary application procedures by providing proper documentation about their living environment and habitat.

If you do possess legal permits for owning a capybara, here are some suggestions for its proper care:

  • Capybaras require lots of outdoor space for sunlight exposure. Provide them with natural vegetation that caters to their herbivorous diet.
  • Ensure they have access to clean water sources as these rodents love swimming.
  • Invest in secure fencing around their shelter to prevent escape attempts fearing they might create hazards on public lands.
  • Capybaras are social animals; hence consider getting multiple if permitted.

There may not be many capybaras in Louisiana, but don’t let that fool you – they still have the legal right to party like it’s 1999.


The State of Maine’s Legal Stand on Capybaras

Maine prohibits the possession, sale, and breeding of capybaras. The state regards them as exotic animals that pose a threat to public health and safety. People in Maine cannot keep these large rodents as pets or own them as part of an agricultural business.

In contrast to other states, Maine has no exemptions or permits for owning capybaras. Violating the law can result in the confiscation of the animal and fines. It is advised to research and comply with local laws before purchasing any exotic pets.

Interestingly, Maine passed this law back in 1981 when a private breeder sold a pair of capybaras to a family in a residential area. Complaints from neighbors prompted lawmakers to act quickly, leading to their inclusion on the list of prohibited animals.

The legal status of capybaras varies widely among different US states, so potential owners should familiarize themselves with relevant regulations before taking any further action.

“Why own a dog when you can have a capybara? Oh, wait, because in Maryland it’s illegal.”


Maryland’s Status on Capybaras

Capybaras are exotic animals with strict regulations required for ownership in Maryland. Those who wish to own capybaras should adhere to the state’s wildlife laws, which set guidelines for the ownership and handling of these animals.

Below is a table that shows the specific details of Maryland’s legal status on capybaras:

Type of LawWildlife Laws
Permit Required?Yes
RestrictionsCapybaras can only be owned by licensed exhibitors or those approved by DNR.

It is important to note that capybaras may not be kept as pets in the state of Maryland, and those interested in owning them should comply with all relevant laws before deciding to do so.

Furthermore, Capybara owners should also take care to follow best practices when it comes to handling these animals, including ensuring proper shelter, nutrition, and social interaction. Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in fines, legal action, or even the revocation of an individual’s permit.

In light of this information, any individual interested in owning a capybara should carefully consider their options and consult with legal professionals before making any decisions on animal ownership. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a responsible animal owner – take action today!

Why have a pet dog when you can have a capybara? That is, if you live in Massachusetts where they are legal to own.


In the state of Massachusetts, the ownership of capybaras is legal but requires a permit from the Department of Agriculture. These permits are only granted to individuals who can provide satisfactory evidence of their capability to care for and house the animal appropriately. Massachusetts also has specific regulations regarding fencing and outdoor shelter requirements for these animals.

It is crucial to note that capybaras must be obtained through legal means, such as licensed breeders or rescue organizations. Unlawful possession or trafficking of capybaras can result in fines and imprisonment.

Interestingly, there have been reports of feral populations of capybaras in certain areas of Massachusetts, especially in urban parks. However, these claims remain unverified.

Capybaras were first introduced to North America in the 16th century by Spanish explorers. They have since become exotic pets sought after by many animal enthusiasts due to their docile nature and unique characteristics. Despite their popularity, it is crucial to recognize that ownership comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities.

Why live in Michigan when you can be surrounded by capybaras with questionable legality in warmer states?


The legal standing of capybaras in Michigan remains a matter of concern for those interested in the species. Below is a table detailing the status and regulations governing capybaras in Michigan.

WildNot allowed as pets.
CaptiveLegal with a permit. Enclosures must meet size, fencing and shelter requirements.
HuntingNot allowed, except under limited circumstances with a permit from the Natural Resource Commission.
Import/ExportPermits are required from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

It is worth noting that while owning captive capybaras in Michigan is legal, keeping them as pets is highly discouraged due to their complex social needs and extreme sensitivity to stress.

Pro Tip: Interested individuals should seek out advice from experienced owners or consult with licensed veterinarians before adopting a pet capybara.

Minnesota may be known for its lakes and hot dish, but it’s also the only state where capybaras are legally allowed to run for public office.


Minnesota is one of the US states that have no specific legislation regarding capybaras. However, their import and possession may still be regulated by exotic animal laws.

  • Possessing a capybara without a permit is illegal.
  • The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regulates permits for exotic animals.
  • Permits may be difficult to obtain for those who are not registered as exhibitors or breeders.
  • Capybaras may also require special care and accommodations, such as an outdoor enclosure or a pond, which can be costly.

It is important to note that even though there are no definitive restrictions imposed on possessing capybaras in Minnesota, obtaining permits can prove difficult for those who do not hold relevant licenses from the state authority. Ensuring that their proper care and maintenance are carried out comes with its own costs.

Pro Tip: Always get legal advice before obtaining any exotic pet, including capybaras.

Why settle for a cat or dog when you can have a capybara? That is unless you live in Missouri, where they’re unfortunately illegal.

.10. Missouri

Missouri is a state that requires a permit to own and keep capybaras as pets. The Missouri Department of Conservation regulates the possession of exotic animals in the state, including capybaras. To obtain a permit, owners must demonstrate their ability to provide proper care and confinement for the animals.

Capybaras are also prohibited from being released into the wild in Missouri, as they are considered non-native species and may disrupt local ecosystems. In addition, it is illegal to sell or transport capybaras across state lines without proper permits.

Interestingly, there have been several reported sightings of wild capybaras in Missouri in recent years, although it is unclear how they ended up there. According to an article by St. Louis Public Radio, some have speculated that these animals may have escaped from private collections.


Nebraska may be the only state where capybaras aren’t illegal, but don’t get too excited – they’re still illegal to shoot from a ferris wheel.

.11. Nebraska

Nebraska’s Legal Standpoint on Owning Capybaras

Owning capybaras in Nebraska is prohibited without a valid permit. Failure to comply with the state’s rules and regulations may lead to legal complications. It is essential to seek legal consultation with specialized attorneys before acquiring any exotic pet in the state.

Capybaras have gained popularity as pets, despite their classification as exotic animals. Laws surrounding the ownership of these animals are enacted to regulate ownership and ensure safety for both humans and wildlife. Individuals seeking to own capybaras must adhere to state laws and meet specific permit requirements before obtaining one.

Additionally, Nebraska enforces strict consequences for the illegal possession or distribution of capybaras. Anyone found guilty will face charges under the Nebraska Dangerous Wild Animal Act. Furthermore, authorities might confiscate the animal, leading to its soul disposition.

According to National Geographic, capybaras are unusually social creatures that thrive in warm climates and semi-aquatic habitats, such as swamps or riversides.

Why worry about legalizing marijuana when we haven’t even sorted out the legal status of capybaras in the United States?

.12. Nevada

Wildlife laws in Nevada do not allow the possession of capybaras as pets without a permit, as these rodents are considered exotic animals. Additionally, authorities may impose fines and even confiscate pets found in violation of state laws. It is important to note that owning a capybara may pose potential health risks to humans due to their ability to transmit various diseases.

Moreover, it is advised to check with the local government authorities before considering adopting or buying a capybara as a pet. Several states across the United States have different regulations and restrictions on pet ownership that may vary depending on the species’ potential harm to humans, other animals, and its environment.

It is always best to be aware of such information and make educated decisions based on the welfare of both the animal and yourself. Do not miss out on staying informed about state regulations that aim for the safety and protection of wildlife within their borders.

Take action today, research your state’s laws and be ready before deciding on any furry friend.

Why own a dog when you can have a capybara? Unfortunately, New Hampshire disagrees.

.13. New Hampshire

Within the legal norms of the United States, Capybaras are regulated pets in many states. In New Hampshire, a specific set of regulations applies to owning exotic animals, including Capybaras. The owners need to obtain a permit from the state’s Fish and Game Department to have them legally.

To get one’s Capybara licensed, potential owners will need to apply for a special license for it. Before having it licensed, there are standard requirements that must be met as per the Animal Welfare Act. This includes appropriate housing with ample space and temperature control accommodations for their well-being.

It is noteworthy that registering your pet within due time is crucial; failing which would lead to legal consequences such as paying applicable fines and penalties.

Owning Capybaras requires responsible behavior and following appropriate norms laid out by state laws. It would be best if you opted for these licenses before getting them illegally or informed in writing about all applicable laws regarding exotic animal ownership.

The only thing more legal in New Jersey than capybaras is the smell of the Turnpike during rush hour.

.14. New Jersey

New Jersey Capybara Law

In New Jersey, capybaras are classified as exotic pets under state law. A permit is required to own a capybara, and they are only legal in certain areas of the state where the local government has not enacted stricter regulations. As with other exotic pets, there are specific health and safety requirements that must be met to obtain a permit.

Owners of capybaras in New Jersey can face fines or legal action if they do not comply with regulations. It is important for individuals interested in owning a pet capybara to research all state and local laws before acquiring one.

Unlike some states, there are no specific zoning ordinances regarding capybaras in New Jersey. However, cities and counties may have their own rules and regulations related to exotic animals.

It is said that the first known sighting of a wild capybara in North America was in New Jersey’s Hackensack River back in 1940. Despite their current status as an exotic pet, capybaras have made their mark on the state’s history.

Why own a cat when you can have a capybara in New York? It’s legal, and imagine the envy of your neighbours.

.15. New York

New York Capybara Laws

New York State allows owning capybaras with proper permits and licenses. The application process includes providing a description of the enclosure, veterinary care plan and an annual report on the animal’s health. However, some towns in New York have their own sets of laws that may restrict or ban ownership of capybaras.

It is crucial to research local laws before acquiring a pet capybara to avoid any legal trouble. Owning a prohibited animal can lead to fines or even confiscation of the animal.

Do your due diligence and ensure you have all the necessary permits before bringing a capybara into your home in New York to avoid the risk of losing it.

Why own a dog when you can have a capybara? Well, unless you live in North Carolina where it’s illegal to keep them as pets.

.16. North Carolina

In the state of North Carolina, capybaras are classified as regulated animals under wildlife laws. This means that owning a capybara requires licenses and permits. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal consequences.

However, obtaining a permit to own a capybara in North Carolina is not impossible. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission issues permits for captive wildlife, including capybaras. These permits come with strict regulations regarding enclosure size, feeding requirements, and regular veterinary check-ups.

It’s important to note that purchasing a capybara from out of state without proper permits and licenses is illegal in North Carolina. Additionally, releasing a captive capybara into the wild is also illegal.

If you’re considering owning a capybara in North Carolina, it’s crucial to do thorough research and follow all state regulations. Disregarding these laws can result in consequences for both you and the animal.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own one of these unique animals while staying within legal boundaries. Why settle for a cat or a dog when you could have a capybara? Oregonians, it’s time to legalize these giant, friendly rodents as household pets.

.17. Oregon

Oregon Law on Capybaras

Oregon law on capybaras specifies that these exotic animals are permitted as pets only with a permit from the state. Possession of wildlife species without a valid permit is illegal, including capybaras. Owners need to meet certain requirements to obtain the required permit, such as exhibiting knowledge about the care, diet, and behavior of these animals.

Furthermore, capybara owners in Oregon are liable for any damage their pet animal causes to humans or properties. Additionally, wildlife rehabilitators who have permits may legally keep and care for capybaras but cannot use them for commercial purposes.

Pro Tip: Before owning a capybara, learn the local laws and regulations in your area to avoid legal issues.

Why worry about legalizing marijuana when there are still thousands of Capybara smugglers running free in Rhode Island?

.18. Rhode Island

Rhode Island’s Legal Stand on Capybaras

Rhode Island is among the few states that have not clearly defined their stance on capybara ownership. Therefore, it is unclear whether it is legal to own capybaras in this state or not. However, due to the state’s strict regulations on exotic pet ownership, it is advisable for potential owners to seek legal counsel before keeping capybaras as pets.

Capybaras are considered exotic pets in Rhode Island hence obtaining a permit from the State Department of Environmental Management to keep them is mandatory. Besides, the state issues permit selectively and grant them primarily for educational purposes rather than solely for companionship. Unpermitted possession of a capybara can result in confiscation and possible legal consequences.

It’s worth mentioning that overcrowding animals within an enclosed space can result in diseases such as salmonella; therefore, providing adequate living spaces, food, and water to these animals is necessary. Following proper sanitation procedures regularly and ensuring all vaccinations are up-to-date might help prevent animal-related injuries such as scratches and bites.

To avoid controversy over owning a capybara in Rhode Island, finding informative resources from conservation organizations could be advantageous. Researching the history of other animal keepers gives insights into what works best for both the animals and owners significantly promoting responsible pet ownership in general.

“South Carolina may have ‘Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places,’ but they frown upon owning a capybara without a permit.”

.19. South Carolina

South Carolina’s laws on Capybaras follow the Wildlife laws set forth by the Department of Natural Resources. The state law requires people to get a permit from the department for possessing any exotic animal, including capybaras. Additionally, it is illegal to release them into the wild. Violation can result in serious fines and imprisonment.

Capybaras are not considered domestic animals or pets in South Carolina, so there are specific regulations that have to be followed for ownership. Anyone caught breaking these rules will face serious consequences.

It is important to note that even though capybaras may seem like cute and cuddly creatures, they can pose a significant risk to humans if they feel threatened or agitated.

According to a report by The Post and Courier, in 2019, a 1-year-old girl was bitten on the head by a pet capybara in Georgetown County, SC.

Looks like capybaras in Utah might have better legal standing than humans trying to buy alcohol on a Sunday.

.20. Utah

The legal status of capybaras in Utah is unclear. While there are no specific laws that prohibit ownership of these animals, they are not recognized as domesticated pets by the state. Additionally, local ordinances and regulations may vary depending on the municipality. It is recommended to check with local authorities before bringing a capybara into Utah.

Capybaras have been observed around water sources such as rivers and lakes in Utah, but there have been no confirmed reports of wild populations. The exotic pet trade has led to an increase in captive capybaras being kept as pets in the United States.

It is worth noting that while there are no statewide laws against owning a capybara, this does not necessarily mean it is legal to do so in all areas of Utah. Local wildlife ordinances and zoning laws should also be taken into consideration before acquiring one of these animals.

Despite their increasing popularity as pets, it is important to remember that capybaras are wild animals and require specialized care and attention. They can be social creatures, but may become aggressive if stressed or mistreated by their owners.

The history of capybaras in Utah remains largely unknown due to their status as non-native species. However, it is clear that they are not legally recognized as domesticated pets within the state, and any potential owners should proceed with caution.

I guess we’ll just have to settle for regular-sized rodents as pets.


The legality of capybaras varies across states. Although they are legal in several states in the USA, it is crucial to review the state’s laws before getting one as a pet. Moreover, comprising of hystricognath rodents species, capybaras require veterinary care and proper living conditions identical to their natural habitat.

In addition to confirming legal requirements and providing optimal living conditions for capybaras, owners must ensure adequate socialization with domestic pets and humans for emotional well-being. Understanding Capybara behavior helps establish a strong bond with them.

One important aspect that many people neglect when adopting pet capybaras is how they will respond to extreme weather conditions. Many of them suffer during winter due to their inability to adapt to cold weather conditions. Therefore, understanding how different breeds may adapt in certain regions can be instrumental in keeping them healthy and comfortable.

Keeping in mind capybara experts’ advice that captives need affection and social interaction regularly, a heartwarming story of an overweight rodent’s pet named Gary illustrates the importance of nurturing a healthy relationship between humans and these fascinating animals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What states in the US allow ownership of capybaras as pets?

The laws regarding capybara ownership vary by state. Some states, such as Texas and Pennsylvania, allow residents to own capybaras with a permit. Other states, such as California and New York, have outright bans on exotic pet ownership.

What is required to own a capybara in states where it is legal?

In states where capybara ownership is legal, individuals must typically acquire a permit or license from their local wildlife agency. Some states may also require a veterinarian’s letter stating that the individual is capable of properly caring for a capybara as a pet.

What are the requirements for housing a capybara?

Capybaras require an outdoor enclosure that includes a swimming area and access to grass or hay. The enclosure should be at least 10 feet by 20 feet and have a minimum of 48-inch tall fencing to prevent escapes. Capybaras are social animals and should be kept with at least one other capybara or a similar species.

Are there any health risks associated with owning a capybara?

Capybaras can carry diseases such as salmonella, which can be transmitted to humans. Owners should practice good hygiene and hand washing when handling their pet capybara or any items within their enclosure.

Where can I purchase a capybara?

Capybaras are not readily available for purchase as pets. It is recommended to adopt from a captive breeding program or obtain a capybara from a reputable breeder with a proven track record of ethical and humane breeding practices.

What should I consider before owning a capybara?

Potential Capybara owners should consider the time, resources, and financial commitment required to properly care for a Capybara. In addition, they should research and understand the unique behaviors and needs of capybaras as pets before bringing one into their home.