Can You Own a Capybara?

Taking Care of a Capybara

Can You Own a Capybara? Capybaras are often considered exotic pets, but is it legal to own one? Pet ownership laws can vary by location and jurisdiction, so it is important to research the specific laws in your area. As a large rodent species native to South America, some states in the US require permits or licenses to own a capybara as a pet. Additionally, capybaras have specific dietary and environmental needs that must be met to ensure their health and well-being.

If you are considering owning a capybara as a pet, it is important to thoroughly research the laws and regulations in your area before making any decisions. Even if it is legal to own a capybara in your state, it is important to consider the potential challenges and responsibilities that come with caring for such a unique and exotic animal. Proper diet, exercise, and socialization are all key factors in ensuring the health and happiness of your capybara.

It is important to note that owning a capybara as a pet is not for everyone. These animals require a significant amount of time, effort, and resources to keep them healthy and happy. Additionally, not all veterinarians are familiar with capybara care, so it can be challenging to find appropriate medical care if needed.

In one instance, a family in Texas was able to obtain a permit to own a capybara as a pet. However, the family quickly realized that caring for the animal was more challenging than they had anticipated. Eventually, the capybara was placed in a specialized sanctuary where she could receive the care she needed.

Overall, while it may be legal to own a capybara as a pet in some areas, it is important to carefully consider whether or not you are prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for this unique and exotic animal.

Don’t even think about trying to sneak a capybara into your house without checking local regulations first, unless you want to end up in a real-life version of ‘Where’s Waldo?’

Overview of laws and regulations regarding capybara ownership

The regulations of pet ownership are in place to make sure both animals and their keepers are safe. Laws and rules for owning capybaras differ in countries. See the table below.

CountryLegal StatusRequirements
United StatesIllegalNot allowed

Even though some countries permit capybara ownership, additional requirements may be needed. It’s important to research and stick to the rules to avoid legal issues.

Another thing to know is that capybaras require a large living space with water and land areas. They need access to water year-round and should live in humid environments. So, if you were hoping to keep your capybara in New York, it’s not possible.

Specific states/countries where capybara ownership is legal or illegal

Capybaras are unique animals some people acquire as pets. It’s vital to check laws before bringing home one of these creatures. Here’s a table of legal status by country/state:

State/CountryLegal Status
United StatesIllegal

Note: Laws vary by state/province in the US and Canada.

Capybaras come from South America. They’re semi-aquatic and can weigh up to 140 pounds. Special care is needed for them, including access to a large outdoor enclosure filled with water.

It’s believed that pre-Columbian indigenous tribes kept capybaras for their meat, hide, or for religious rituals.

Pros: Cuddle with a giant rodent. Cons: Explain it to your landlord.

Can You Own a Capybara?

Pros and cons of owning a capybara

If you are wondering about the feasibility of acquiring a capybara as a pet, it is crucial to evaluate the possible benefits and drawbacks of owning one.


  • Capybaras are affectionate and social animals that can quickly become an integral part of your family.
  • They have low-maintenance dietary habits and do not require regular vet check-ups.
  • Capybaras are excellent swimmers and can be fantastic outdoor companions.
  • They have an uncanny ability to relax and de-stress even in the tensest of environments.


  • Capybaras require ample space to wander, play, and explore, making them unsuitable for small apartments.
  • They need a constant water source and clean surroundings, which means frequent cleaning and maintenance.
  • Capybaras emit a distinct odor that can be unpleasant for some people.
  • They are prone to fleas, ticks, and other pests, making them susceptible to contracting infections or diseases.

It’s essential to consider local regulations as capybaras are not legal in all states. The cost and availability of food, shelter, and the general upkeep of capybaras need substantial financial resources and a commitment to care for them in the long term.

Pro Tip: Do thorough research and understand the responsibility that comes with pet ownership before deciding to own a capybara. It will help you make an informed decision and provide a better quality of life for your furry companion. Sure, owning a capybara may not make you popular with your neighbors, but at least you’ll never have to worry about mowing the lawn again.

Advantages of owning a capybara as a pet

Are you thinking of getting a capybara as a pet? Here are some pros to owning one! They are:

  • Super social – Capybaras need companionship and love to cuddle.
  • Low maintenance – Grooming and upkeep is minimal for these exotic pets.
  • Friendly – They have a calm temperament, so they won’t lash or show aggression.
  • Trainable – Capybaras are smart! Train them with positive reinforcement.
  • Unique – Owning a capybara is an unusual experience.

Before getting a capybara, consider the commitment and responsibility involved. Also, make sure it’s legal in your area and that you have enough space for them.

If you decide to get a capybara, you won’t regret it. You’ll form a deep bond with these gentle giants and have an amazing story to tell!

Disadvantages and challenges of owning a capybara

If you’re considering owning a capybara, remember there are some drawbacks. They need lots of space and have strict dietary needs. They must have water, grasses and vegetables. Plus, they’re social animals, so you’ll need more than one. Training them can be tricky and they may get destructive if not given enough attention. Lastly, they may be illegal where you live.

Do your research before taking the plunge! Other things to know include their friendliness with humans, love of licking each other, swimming and diving underwater for up to five minutes, and occasional barking. Even though they can weigh up to 140 pounds, they can run at speeds of 35 mph!

In Colombia, coastal Christian towns have capybaras roaming in church yards during mass and even lying at the feet of mourners during funerals. So, if you’re ready for a mini-mud wrestler, capybaras might be for you!

Care and maintenance of pet capybaras

Caring for and maintaining capybaras as pets is crucial to their well-being. Providing them with ample space to roam, a varied diet, and regular veterinary check-ups are essential aspects of their care. Properly maintaining their habitats, ensuring their safety, and giving them attention will help them thrive as pets.

Along with that, keeping capybaras as pets requires responsibility and commitment, so carefully considering if you have the capacity to care for them is crucial. Ultimately, owning a capybara can be an immensely rewarding experience for those who can provide them with a safe and loving home.

Looks like your backyard pool will have to do as a substitute for the Amazon rainforest if you want to keep a capybara as a pet.

Habitat requirements for capybaras

For capybaras to thrive in captivity, specific environmental conditions must be met. It’s crucial to understand their needs.

Good habitat is key. The enclosure must mimic their natural habitat and give them enough space to move. Capybaras are social creatures, so they should be kept in groups. The size of the enclosure should reflect the number of capybaras inside.

Temperature should be between 77 – 86°F (25 – 30°C). Humidity should stay above 60%. A large pool of fresh water should be provided daily. Offer them a variety of vegetation, such as hay, straw, bamboo leaves, and branches. A sheltered area is also important to protect them from extreme weather.

Capybaras have special dietary requirements. They mainly eat vegetation. Fresh and clean water must be available every day. Hay, straw, bamboo leaves, and branches should be supplied.

Due to conservation efforts, capybaras are now protected by law in most countries. They are impressive swimmers, which evolved as a way to escape predators like jaguars in their natural habitats. Feeding a capybara is more challenging than feeding a picky child – they only eat organic kale and quinoa!

Dietary needs and feeding habits

Pet capybaras need a well-balanced and nutritious diet. To meet their dietary needs, it’s important to provide the right type of food. Here’s a table that outlines what to feed them:

Fresh fruits500g per day2 – 3 times per week
Vegetables500g per day2 – 3 times per week
Commercial chowAs directed by the manufacturerAs directed by the manufacturer

Don’t overfeed pet capybaras, as they can get obese and unwell. Also, provide clean water at all times.

Capybaras have unique digestive systems, so they need to eat their droppings (coprophagy) to absorb vital nutrients fully. Don’t worry if you see this behavior in your pet.

Monitor your pet’s weight when they start eating commercial chow. In some cases, you might need to adjust the feeding schedule or consult a vet.

One pet owner noticed that their capybara stopped eating fruits and veggies. They took him to the vet who diagnosed ‘stomatitis’, causing pain in his mouth while chewing hard foods. Pay attention to your pet’s feeding habits to detect any issues early and avoid severe health concerns.

Why hire a personal trainer when you can just get a capybara to chase you around the park?

Exercise and socialization requirements

Capybaras’ Physical and Social Needs

These semi-aquatic rodents need special care.

  • They require daily exercise – at least an hour in a secure, spacious environment.
  • Socialization with other capybaras and animals, such as dogs and humans, is also essential.
  • Regular vet checkups are necessary for the animal’s well-being.
  • Moreover, capybaras need a fiber-rich diet with hay and grasses.

Roaming Citizens

Capybaras roam freely in places like Buenos Aires, Argentina in public parks.

But, outdoors, supervision is needed to prevent accidents or escape attempts.

Considering owning a capybara?

Remember, it’s like taking on a furry pool float that loves veggies.

Where to buy a pet capybara

Paragraph 1: Owning a Capybara: Where to Find Your Next Pet
Interested in owning a capybara? Finding this unique pet can be challenging since they are not commonly available in pet stores.

Paragraph 2: Where to Buy a Pet Capybara
Capybaras can be purchased from exotic pet breeders, online vendors, and animal auctions. However, it is important to do proper research on the supplier and ensure proper licensing and legality in your state.

Paragraph 3: Important Considerations When Purchasing a Capybara
Before purchasing a capybara, make sure you have the proper space, resources, and knowledge to care for this animal. Capybaras require a large outdoor enclosure, specialized diet, and veterinary care.

Paragraph 4: Suggestions for Finding Your Capybara
Consider joining online communities and forums dedicated to capybara ownership to connect with reputable breeders and learn more about the responsibilities of owning one. Attend exotic animal auctions or inquire at local zoos and animal sanctuaries for any potential adoption opportunities.
You can trust a capybara breeder about as much as you can trust a koala with your eucalyptus tree.

Finding reputable breeders or sellers

Finding a reputable seller for a pet capybara is key. Here are 3 things to consider:

  1. Research the seller’s background. Look for experience, reviews, and certifications.
  2. Check the conditions the capybaras are kept in. Clean, spacious, and with access to food, water, and exercise. Ask for photos or videos if possible.
  3. Ask about veterinary care. Responsible sellers should provide documentation of regular check-ups and medical treatment.

Be aware that in some states/countries, owning a capybara may be illegal or require permits/licenses. Check local laws before buying.

Also, per National Geographic, Capybaras are semi-aquatic mammals found in South America. So, are you ready to provide the pet with an Olympic-sized swimming pool?

Cost Considerations of Purchasing a pet capybara

When getting a pet capybara, it’s not just the initial cost that should be thought about. Food, housing, and veterinary care are all expenses to consider. Check out this table:

Veterinary care$1,000/year

These costs can vary based on location and individual needs. Capybaras have specific needs for living and socialization. They need space to roam and access to water for swimming or soaking. They also prefer to be in groups.

To save money, look for local farms or breeders. Purchasing secondhand equipment or DIYing can also help.

Remember, this is a big decision. Make sure to consider all costs and ensure the right conditions for your furry friend. Otherwise, why not get a pet rock? Zero care is required!

Alternatives to owning a pet capybara

For people looking for alternatives to owning a pet capybara, there are plenty of options available. These options can provide the same level of companionship and satisfaction without the added responsibilities that come with owning a capybara.

Instead of owning a capybara, one can consider adopting a smaller and easier-to-maintain pet like a hamster or a guinea pig. Another option is to volunteer at an animal shelter and spend time with animals that need attention and care. Lastly, for those who want to experience nature, taking a hike or visiting a wildlife sanctuary can be a great way to appreciate the beauty of animals without owning one.

For people who want to avoid the hassle of taking care of a pet, yet don’t mind the company, pet-sitting or house-sitting for a friend or family member who has pets can be a great option. One gets to spend time with pets, without having to worry about their upkeep.

A friend of mine who always wanted a pet capybara finally decided to volunteer at the local zoo instead. She loved spending time with the capybaras and felt fulfilled spending her weekends with them. She also learned a lot about capybaras, their habits, and behaviors, which she admitted was a great experience.

Move over dogs and cats, these exotic pets will make you wanna ditch your boring pets and adopt a capybara instead.

Domesticated animal breeds that share similar traits with capybaras

Domesticated animal breeds with capybara-like traits? Check out these alternatives!

Capybaras may not be the ideal pet due to their size and specific needs. But, other domesticated animal breeds share similar features!

  • Guinea Pigs – These little critters have a docile temperament and enjoy socializing. Just like capybaras, they need buddies to keep them company!
  • Miniature Horses – Even though they’re not rodents, these horses are gentle and peaceful. Plus, they love to roam around, just like capybaras.
  • Rabbits – These animals are full of energy and need plenty of exercise. They love playing with toys and other rabbits in pairs or groups.

These animals may be perfect for someone who wants a pet with capybara-like traits but without a large size.

Unique Details

It’s important to remember that these animals have different needs and characteristics. So, do your research before deciding on a pet!


Don’t miss out on the chance to own a pet with capybara-like traits! Consider adopting one of these alternatives today!

Other exotic pets to consider

Are you considering an uncommon pet? Look beyond capybaras! Axolotls, Fennec Foxes, and Wallabies are all great options. Sugar Gliders and Kinkajous are also exotic pets. Do your research before getting one though – it’s vital to understand their needs and behavior. Just because an animal is kept as a pet doesn’t mean it thrives in captivity. Remember the Florida man who thought it’d be fun to keep a crocodile as a pet? It didn’t end well! Think carefully about the long-term impacts before getting a new companion.

Conclusion: Should you own a capybara as a pet?

Owning a capybara as a pet can be an extraordinary experience. However, before saying “Yes!”, it’s essential to think through various criteria such as legal requirements, living space, and cost. Plus, capybaras have special dietary needs and require socialization with other animals. Researching and preparing is a must-do.

Capybaras are exotic pets in many countries, so permits for ownership may be needed. They need a big outdoor area with access to water and vegetation. Maintaining these creatures is costly due to their diet and vet care.

Not being prepared for owning a capybara can cause serious issues for the owner and the animal. So, take time to consider every factor before bringing one home.

If you want a capybara as a pet, do your homework! Know specific regional laws/regulations; check if you have enough space and funds; research their diet; find suitable medical professionals and companions; etc. Taking the right steps will make it a fabulous life-long experience for you and your furry friend!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you own a capybara?

Yes, it is legal to own a capybara as a pet in some states and countries, but it is important to research the laws and regulations in your area before getting one.

What do capybaras eat?

Capybaras are herbivores and mainly feed on grasses, aquatic plants, and bark from trees. They also enjoy fruits and vegetables as treats.

How big do capybaras get?

Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and can grow up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length and weigh up to 140 pounds (64 kilograms).

Do capybaras make good pets?

Capybaras can make good pets for some people, but they require a lot of space, attention, and care. They are social animals and need companionship, so it is recommended to have more than one capybara. They also require a specialized diet and veterinary care.

How much does a capybara cost?

The cost of a capybara can vary depending on where you live and where you buy it from. They can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

What are some common health problems for capybaras?

Capybaras can be prone to dental problems, respiratory infections, and skin conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups and preventative care can help keep them healthy.